April 5, 2012

Confidential Letter

Bill and Exchange Manager
Mr. Alfonso Zapata
PrivateEmail: zzapata@rediffmail.com
Private Fax: 00 34 917 692 656
I am Mr. Alfonso Zapata, a staff of Ing-Direct Spain. I have a confidential business proposal for you. There is this business opportunity here in our bank which is an abandoned sum of 8.2M (Eight million Two Hundred Thousand Euros) that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died in 2002. I decided to contact you based on the fact that I will present you as the beneficiary.
Please download the attach file to read about this proposal, I attached it for a security reason.
There are practically no risks involved, this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement with all the legal documents. I plead with you on one issue; keep this transaction confidential and all the information between you and me, get back to me via my private e-mail or my personal fax for confidentiality.
Best Regards,
Mr. Alfonso Zapata
Private Email: zzapata@rediffmail.com
Private Fax: 00 34 917 692 656